Real Fortune
Laypeople are full of problems and desires and are always eager to know their future etc. There is no need to go to mediums or fortune-tellers for that purpose. All the prophets and messengers, including the Buddha, have said that we reap what we sow. If you do good now, you will have good rewards in the future; if you do bad, you will regret it. Hence, look at what you are doing now and you will know your future. Everywhere around us there are many spiritual beings. When we keep the 5 precepts, we will have 25 Dhamma protectors looking after us. Isn’t that better than putting our faith in mediums and fortune-tellers?
In Malaysia, there was a man who asked me to bless a lucky amulet that he was wearing so that he could win the lottery! I told him that if I could give him gambling luck by doing that, then the road would be full of people queuing up with amulets of all shapes and sizes and the queue would even stretch all the way to Thailand! I told him that real fortunes lies in being able to understand and practice the Dhamma and that whatever problems he was facing were due to past Kamma. Only wisdom and non-attachment would give him lasting relief from his sufferings. He did not understand what I meant, or rather, he did not want to listen. Before he left, he still asked me to bless his amulet and to teach him to chant a mantra that would give him luck. I feel sad for this man....……
But, of course, keep in mind that all your problems are non-problems compared to the biggest problem that all of us face – Death! (Page 85 – partial).
................I am here just to show you the way. Sometimes, devotees may ask me to bless their homes and offices or even sprinkle water on them, and once in a blue moon, I do comply with their wishes – when I see that they are too rooted in their old superstitious ways to listen to me. Once I have done so, they are normally ready to learn what I have to teach them; and I often tell them sincerely that my blessing of their premises really will not make them rich. Nothing will work to give them luck except their own goods deeds. (pg 86 - Partial)
Question:- When I listen to Bhikkhu, I feel that I understand and yet do not. What should I do?
Ans. This is normal. No one can understand another person completely. It all depends on your cultivation in your previous lives. What you hear is my concept. You need to think it over for yourself and work out your own truth. Then your doubts will disappear. Why do so many people take on the Buddha’s teaching and repeat them without true understanding? They do not reflect on His teachings, but run around looking for interpretations outside themselves. Such people are only working on further rebirths for themselves. Calm yourself and look within for the answers. (page 97).
Source: Excerpts from The Truth of the Messengers, Questions and Answers
With Bhikkhu Buddha Dhatu1, 1st edition Dec - 2006
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